Delete a user code (at Keypad)?

Archive, 6300

Follow these steps if you�re a manager or programmer ( 00, 01, or 02) deleting codes.

Default Programmer code is ID: 00 PIN: 12345678
The default manager code is ID: 11 PIN: 111111.

1. Enter 22 *
2. The LCD now asks for your ID and PIN:

3. Enter Your ID number #
4. Enter Your PIN code #

The LCD now asks for a new PIN code. You must also confirm it.

5. Enter the ID number you want to delete the PIN code for (1 or 2 digits)#.

DO NOT enter a value in the �New PIN� or �Confirm� fields.

6. Press: # twice.

The LCD now asks if you want to delete the ID you entered.
EX: You entered ID 04, the LCD would look like this:

7. Press: # (for Yes) or * (for No)
The LCD confirms the deletion of the PIN code for the ID selected:

8. Press: # to return to the time/date display.


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